This evening (after the earlier fire alarm troubles) I went to my DVD cupboard and dug out The Ghost and the Darkness – an excellent film, which I haven’t watched properly for almost 10 years.
For those who haven’t seen the movie, it is basically about two lions who decide they prefer the taste of human meat to zebra, and start feasting upon a group of locals who have been employed to build a railway. Val Kilmer, an Irishman (yes, he’s very Celtic) is leading the build, but has to take his attentions away from the construction in order to shoot the pussy-cats; with some predictably bloody results.
Amazingly the film is based on a true story, where hundreds poor Kenyan workers were attacked by a pair of lions in the late 1800’s. The exact reason for the real attacks is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to the beasts developing a taste for human meat, due to consuming poorly buried bodies of dead rail-workers. There is also some evidence to suggest the pair of rogue lions had weak teeth, and were unable to hunt wild animals, so went for the easier option of humans.
The whole story fascinates me (mainly because I like blog and gore). The bodies of the lions can be seen at The Field Museum in Chicago. Here’s a few photos of them I found.
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