Posted by sean on April 9, 2008 at 5:46 pm in South Park with 1 Comment

I see that Comedy Central have demanded YouTube remove the South Park clip I blogged about the other day. Seeing as it was a clip parodying videos from the YouTube website, I find it a tad ironic that C.C. feel the need to demand Y.T. remove it under copyright issues.

Posted by sean on April 9, 2008 at 9:39 am in Geek Stuff with No Comments

I saw the first ever BSOD on a Vista machine today. Unfortunately it was on my own personal laptop. Vista may be a new operating system, but the memory dump and meaningless rubbish in the error message is just as meaningless as in previous Windows’ blue screens.

I am hoping for this to simply be a case of Windows having a tantrum, and to never occur again; as opposed to a case of buggered RAM, which would mean a trip back to the good people at Compaq.

Posted by sean on April 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm in Too Random To Categorise with No Comments

Has anyone else seen the new 118 118 TV adverts? The commercials claim that the directory enquiries service will allow you to “Ask us anything” – presumably not just telephone number related queries.

Surely this new service is just opening the door to perverts, allowing them to harass some poor, young, call centre girl by asking “What are you wearing?”

Presumably they don’t have all the answers, and if asked impossible questions like the meaning of life, the weekend lottery numbers, or how to set up Mail Merge in Word; you won’t get a satisfactory response.

However, as long as we live in a country where parents hide their children under beds and claim they have been kidnapped, watch Coronation Street on TV, and drink pints of Stella; there are enough idiots out there to believe the commercials and call the stupid service.

Posted by sean on April 7, 2008 at 10:35 pm in Video Games with No Comments

This evening I did something potentially stupid. I dipped into my savings account and bought a PlayStation 3. Why? Because my work colleagues, Sam and Adam, convinced me that Grand Theft Auto 4 (which WILL be the best game ever) will be better on the PS3 than the Xbox 360.

I now have a PS3. My savings account is a £319 worse off. When I am finally able to get a mortgage and get a house on Twerton High Street, by the football ground; I won’t have enough money for a washing machine, but at least I’ll have a PlayStation 3.

On the other side of the coin, I am not taking a holiday this year, I don’t run a car, I don’t smoke and I don’t drink a lot. Besides football, I have very few luxuries, so why shouldn’t’ I get myself a new toy once in a while? I also work for the NHS and don’t get paid the biggest wage in the world.

Anyway, justifications over… I bought the PS3 from Currys . The PS3 comes in a rather large box, and for an AV dealer, Currys have very small carrier bags – the kind only suitable for holding tins of baked beans, certainly not big enough to hold a games console. The Currys’ staff wanted me to carry the PS3 home, unbagged, in its colourful box. Seeing as this was at 7pm, it was getting dark, and the local chavs were about, I wasn’t too keen. They found a bin liner, which I used. So instead of looking like some guy carrying home a PS3, I looked like some guy carrying home body parts.

The PS3 is now connected to the TV, albeit with my PS2’s component cable – why Sony are so tight they only bundle a non-RGB scart lead is very annoying. Two games came with the console – Gran Turismo 5 and a Viking game – coincidentally enough, I think it’s called Viking. I haven’t had a great deal of time to play these games, but after a short go, Gran Turismo has some cars in it, while Viking has lots of blood. Grand Theft Auto 4 will be a combination of both.

Posted by sean on April 6, 2008 at 2:49 pm in South Park with No Comments

This week’s episode of South Park was simply superb.

For anyone who has ever visited YouTube, even if they hate SP, this clip is for you…

  • Oh, and I almost forgot…
    I’m not your friend, buddy
    I’m not your buddy, guy
    He’s not your guy, friend
    I’m not your friend, buddy
    We’re not your buddies, guy
    I’m not your guy, friend

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