You will have no doubt noticed the change on both name and URL for this blog.
Why, after over five years, have I changed? No real reason, apart from wanting to make the blog more personal to me.
I registered the domain name years ago, with no intentions of using it for anything special. When I occasionally played online games, my userID was ‘sparkster’ (from the old Sega Mega Drive game), so that’s where it came from.
I started casually blogging under the domain, so then it came to this.
As you can see, I’ve kept all my original blogs and layout, so besides the change in domain and site title, nothing has changed – you’ll just need to update your bookmarks, favourites, feeds, links, etc…
No post with similar tags yet.
- Tick Tock
You may have noticed the counter in the top-right of the website.
This is counting the length of time in which I have not stepped foot outside of the house.
The reason for this hermit-style existence is primarily due to self-isolating from coronavirus, but also because of my recovery from the scooter accident.
I was last outside on...
- Site Links
You may have noticed an addition to the menu on my blog.
Take a look in the bottom right...
It looks like this...
This is a collection of all the blog posts, which I have made on certain topics.
I may add more links in the future, but for now you have the following...
Spotify Shuffle - I didn't...
- Happy Birthday
... to my blog!
Aged 15 today.
If my blog was a child, it would be taking its GCSEs and old enough to legally watch Jaws 3.
That's a scary thought - Jaws 3 was terrible...
- #TrumpSpeak
I feel that I should clarify a blog post I made yesterday.
The content of the post in question, can best be described by using a famous Donald Trump quote...
"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”
No. Not that one.
"You know, it doesn't really...
- Enraging
You may remember that I experienced a few issues with blog, this week.
If you try to access my website on a daily basis, firstly, what's wrong with you? You clearly have too much time on your hands. Secondly, everything would have appeared fine and dandy for you, both Friday and Saturday. That's because the problems...
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