While passing McDonalds on a recent trip to Bath City, I noticed a sign advertising the return of the McRib burger. The burger is not a regular on the McDonalds menu, so whenever Claire and I do visit the fast food outlet, it is never available for me to buy. I vaguely remembering eating a McRib when I was at college, some 14-or-so years ago. My memories of the burger were that it was very good, so I was keen to try it again.

After pestering Claire, she agreed to stop off at McDonalds on the way home from Bath City’s away game at Wealdstone yesterday. It had been a long day, I was tired, cold and hungry. Therefore, the thought of a McRib, along with fries and tropical smoothie were most welcoming.
After the detour to McDonalds, we got home and I opened the cardboard box, containing the much-publicised pork delicacy. I was very disappointed. The burger was chewy and tasteless. The barbecue sauce I fondly remembered from my college days was greatly lacking flavour and quantity. The bun was also very plain. While I ate most of the burger, due to being hungry, the end of it was left for the binmen. Some poor piggy gave his life for my meal and it was wasted.

The McRib just goes to show that some things from your youth are not as good as you remembered. The same cannot be said for the SNES – AKA the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Since receiving one for Christmas, I have been reliving many a childhood memory, with the delights of Mario Kart, Super Street Fighter 2 and the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy.
In conclusion, retro burgers taste nasty and should be avoided. Retro games are still the dog’s crown jewels.

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