We have now been back in England for 3 days and are slowly adjusting to the cold weather! Holidays are supposed to refresh you, although we arrived home totally exhausted. It is only today, after two nights sleep, that I feel myself again.
I am still off work, but return to the office the day after tomorrow, after almost a month off! I’ll forget what it is like to do a job again, let alone my username and password to access the computers… sadly, this is untrue, and the logon details are engraved in my brain.
We have been catching up with family. This afternoon, my mum and sister are visiting, where we will treat them to presents we have bought on honeymoon and subject them to a slideshow of hundreds photographs we took.
Later today, we will be returning to the place where our romance first blossomed – Twerton Park. Bath City have already started preseason training, and tonight entertain former rivals, Newport County. We always seemed to beat Newport, especially at home, but now they’re better than us, I don’t know what to expect! While we were on honeymoon, we only missed one game – a friendly against Bristol City. I was dreading an announcement of Leeds United visiting Twerton, while we were on the ship – a scenario which would have resulted in me borrowing one of the lifeboats to get me back to Bath for the match! My season ticket also arrived, so I’m all ready for the first game, next month.
Claire has been busy washing all the clothes. There are loads! We both have two weeks each of clothing. Our front room currently looks like a school jumble sale, with piles of trousers, t-shirts and jumpers everywhere. I’ve also unpacked all my other things, cluttering the place with all the tack I bought abroad.
It’s funny how you miss certain foods while you are away from home. Yesterday, I ate a packet of Monster Munch crisps. They tasted amazing. Normally, I would eat them, while sat at my desk at work and think “Meh, these are OK”. As I haven’t eaten them for so long, depriving myself, I really enjoyed them.
You will have hopefully noticed the 15 blogs I have made since returning home – all complete with lots and lots of photos. These took HOURS to upload – no thanks to image hosts, Flickr, who are a pile of poo and somehow managed to lose lots of the photos I attempted to put onto the internet. I suppose it didn’t help, as I tried to upload about 600 photos in one go!
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