I regularly check the trends on Twitter. This is mainly to stay up to date with the latest news and find our who’s died – it’s basically a Births, Marriages and Deaths page for the famous.
One trend that caught my eye this afternoon was Samsung Galaxy S8. My mobile phone is nearly three years old. I am on one of those contracts which I can leave at anytime. No commitment. In short, my mobile is a fuck buddy.
I really, really want an S8. They’re out at the end of April. I am on annual leave at the end of April. No doubt they’ll sell out on he first day and not be available again until Halloween. However, they can be preordered. Do I be brave and take the plunge, get locked into a 2 year contract and get my grubby mits on the beautiful S8?
There’s nothing like a cock up from Tesco to get me blogging again…
Yesterday, our delivery driver kindly dropped off our weekly shop. Along with all our crisps, cake and coke (the 3 essential C’s, and your five a day), we had some oranges. These oranges came with a free gift. Mould. I’m not one for consuming mould, even though I’ve been reliably informed that by regular eaters of the stuff enjoy it – apparently the mould will grow on you (apologies for that terrible attempt of a joke).
A mouldy orange really did make me wonder if as much thought goes into picking our groceries, as Tesco claim.
Anyway, all’s well that ends well. After slating them on Twitter – the essential complaint tool for any modern day Victor Meldrew – I received a refund. In the old days, I would have demanded compensation, for coming into contact with toxic food, but I’ve mellowed in the last year and gone past caring.