Posted by sean on June 10, 2017 at 5:56 pm in Politics with No Comments

While tidying the house this morning, I found this leaflet. It had been chucked through the letterbox by a Tory, before Thursday’s election.

It made me laugh. Bye Bye Ben…

However, I am confused. The leaflet promises that a loss of 6 seats would see Jeremy Corby become Prime Minister. Considering the Tories lost 13 seats this week, why is the Wicked Witch of the West still in Number 10?

At least the reverse of the leaflet promises we’ll be “Strong and Stable”…

Posted by sean on June 9, 2017 at 7:34 pm in Politics with No Comments

After waking up to misery following the 2015 General Election and 2016’s Brexit, I was very happy this morning, when I awoke to hear that my local Tory MP, Ben Howlett, had lost his seat to the Liberal Democrat candidate, Wera Hobhouse.

Of course, nationally the Tories won the most seats, but far from a majority – showing that the country is far from happy with the way Teresa May has handled issues like the NHS, education and Brexit.

At the time of writing, not a lot has been decided about what will happen. Mrs May has met The Queen, who sadly didn’t release the Corgies upon her arrival (after all, Teresa is pro-hunting). No doubt all the candidates will now argue until they come to a resolution which nobody will really be happy with.

Posted by sean on June 7, 2017 at 7:02 pm in Politics with No Comments

I remember from my childhood that my parents would always become concerned around the time General Elections were held.

I did appreciate that the event carried some significance, but was never able to appreciate this, and just thought they were going over the top. My biggest worries at the time were how I would complete my homework, while at the same time helping Sonic the Hedgehog defeat Dr Robotnik.

Now that I am older and wiser (haven destroyed Dr Robotnik), I can see why my parents were so concerned about who was running the country. It’s Election time again and I am not looking forward to the results on Friday – mainly because I fear the awful Tories will win again and condemn our country to another five years of misery.

If The Conservative Party do find themselves victorious, I think I’ll shut myself away for half a decade, dig out the Sega Megadrive and play Sonic.

Posted by sean on June 2, 2017 at 5:30 pm in Politics with No Comments

I keep hearing the words ‘Strong and Stable’. This is the Tories’ campaign ahead of the snap General Election, that Teresa May said she wasn’t going to call, but ended up doing so anyway.

Every time I hear the phrase, I can’t help but think it would more fitting to be associated with an advert for toilet roll.

I guess toilet paper and the Tory campaign motto do have something in common… they’re both used by arseholes.

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