There was a major twist in the Hospital Acquired Infection saga, yesterday.
After talking to a respiratory doctor, it would appear that I don’t have a chest infection at all! This would certainly explain the fact that I am looking and feeling very well.
This should be great news, and in reality, it is. However, only the ward doctor can approve my release.
Doctors can be as elusive as a decisive politician at a Brexit meeting (oooh, topical!). I could, therefore be in for a bit of a wait…
Personally, I think the doctor should see me as a priority. I know that sounds incredibly selfish and even offensive. However, let me explain…
There are many patients far more unwell than me. In fact, every other patient on the ward is more poorly. They, of course, require medical attention more than someone like me, who is just suffering from boredomitis.
The reason I believe that I should be seen soon is because, if what we are lead to believe by the media, there is a national shortage of hospital beds. We are also told when the weather is cold and icy (like it is today), Emergency Departments are even busier thsn normal.
All I am doing right now, is lying down, eating biscuits, drinking coffee and blogging about the experience.
A very ill patient is far more worthy of a bed than me. The sooner the doctor says that I can be kicked out, the sooner my bed can be used by a poor soul, possibly stuck on a trolley in a corridor.
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