Posted by sean on March 14, 2020 at 8:55 am in Coronavirus, Have I Got News For You with No Comments

As of last night, I have issued myself with a self-imposed ban from reading Twitter and watching Sky Sports News.

Yesterday, television, along with social media, experienced their biggest news day to date, where COVID-19 is concerned.

Further cases and deaths continue to be announced, although the breaking news yesterday morning was that the Premier League and Football League will be suspended until April.

Initially craving updates on how the suspension could affect Leeds United’s crucial end to the season, I watched far too much Sky Sports News. This, along with browsing Twitter for more coronavirus updates, clearly had a subconscious effect on me, as my brain suffered information overload.

It was when Somerset Live reported that for the first time, there are now cases local to me, my anxiety levels increased.

I have greater reason than many to be worried about contracting the virus. Due to underlying health conditions, I would be classified “at risk”.

Despite the recent news and my health concerns, I feel that I got a little carried away and became too worried.

I like to consider myself a calm and rational person, so yesterdays panic was somewhat out of character for me. I didn’t like it, but was thankfully able to realise that my worries were too much.

This was when I deleted the Twitter icon from my phone and switched the television channel.

I will use Twitter and watch Sky Sports again. This is far from a lifetime ban. I may even check one or both later today. However, while COVID-19 is as major news as it is, I’ll be doing my upmost to protect my mental state, by rationing my information intake on the subject.

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