I have mentioned Roman’s television habits many times on my blog.
It is no secret that he is a fan of wrestling – as is Claire. Personally, I can’t stand it. Our house rabbit also enjoys football – not that there has been any to watch lately.
Like in many households across the country, our TV has been on a lot more than it normally would be. As Roman’s run is situated immediately below our massive screen, it must be like being sat on the front row at a cinema – apart from the absence of screaming kids and drunk teenagers.
Roman’s favourite television programme is arguably Keeping Up Appearances. Even if our bunny was to be throwing a huge tantrum, the antics of Mrs. Bucket and her long-suffering husband have been known to appease an angry rabbit.
The latest sitcom to be added to Roman’s TV favourites is The Vicar of Dibley. He will plonk himself in front of the box and happily watch episode after episode. No doubt he has become familiar with all the usual characters – Alice, Hugo and the “No, no, no, no” man.
It is reassuring how our fluffy boy only enjoys what I describe as ‘nice’ comedies. Nothing nasty ever happens to Hyacinth or in Dibley.
I have wondered if this light-hearted television is what causes Roman to drift off into tranquility, or his ability to relax in front of certain programmes is simply down to good old familiarity.
There are many occasions in which we need to calm Roman down for his own safety! While he gets petrified by the most trivial of things – doors opening, Claire walking down the stairs, cooking anything containing garlic – he is totally blasé to things which could cause him real harm. In fact, he lists his hobbies as jumping from heights and dining upon the finest quality carpet.
If Claire and I enjoyed sick horror movies and regularly watched the likes of Saw and Human Centipede, would the scenes of torture and excessive gore cause Romy to relax in the same way?
Unless I uncover an unreleased episode of Keeping Up Appearances, where Richard Bucket finally snaps and goes on a killing spree, we will never know if the bunny holds a secret fondness for video nasties.
Roman has been a good little bunny and has been following government guidelines to stay indoors.
To keep himself entertained, he has been watching lots of animal movies.
Here he is enjoying Babe.
Roman is looking forward to later in the week, when he’ll be treated to Homeward Bound, 101 Dalmatians, Beethoven, Reservoir Dogs and The Silence of the Lambs.
I know that many of you like to read about how Roman is getting on.
Here is the furry little scamp in all his cuteness…
“It’s Water O’Clock!”
I make no apologies for posting a photo of Romy’s poop (again), dainty placed at the rear of his litter tray.
Proof that not all fecal matter is the same. If I was a dog owner and blogged a huge photo of Penny’s excrement, all over the entrance to a local primary school, you would rightly be mortified. Instead, everyone who looks at Roman’s little currants, lets out a collective “awwww”.
Last, but by no means least, is this masterpiece. This decorative plate is a birthday present, created especially for me by my aunt, Madeline.
Unfortunately, I’m going to have to wait for my plate, as it is currently in London, where she lives. Plates are generally too fragile to transport by courier. Madeline can’t even hand deliver the plate to me, as humans are generally too fragile to leave their houses right now.