So Sven has finally been sacked. Although he hasn’t. He’s agreed to walk away with a pay off. Although he isn’t walking yet. Confused?
Time to go, time to go, time to go
Time to go, time to go, time to go
Time to go, time to go, time to go, time to go
Sven will leave his job after pressure from the media and The FA. He will leave with what sounds like a large sum of money. Great you would think, nope, Sven will be the manager up to and including the World Cup!
I dislike Sven, I have posted my views on the man here before. If it is now decided he has no future he has to go NOW. There is more than enough time to replace Sven before The World Cup.
Come the World Cup I will be fully behind the team but if we win I cannot give any credit to Sven. He has proven he is useless already and the England players have proven they are professional enough to manage themselves.
I have just finished watching the Arsenal-Wigan Carling Cup game. Superb management skills from Wigan manager Paul Jewell have lead Wigan to success and a trip to the final. This is the kind of manager we need for England. Not a clueless, incompetent Swede!
It’s painful as an England fan. Our country’s football team is being turned into a laughing stock!
Once Sven has gone can someone stop him working as a manager anywhere in England ever again? Apart from at an American owned Manchester club of course :o)
Lastly, remember that “Sven, Sven, Sven” song praising the manager? Seems a little stale now doesn’t it. Never fear, it can still be re-released! I have re-written the lyrics.
Sven Sven Sven Goran Eriksson
He`s a useless loser
I hope he fucks off home to Sweden
He hasn’t got a clue
he doesn’t fucking care
If we have Sven at the World Cup
we havent got a prayer
Sven Sven Sven Goran Eriksson
Give him half a chance
He’ll take your job and your wife
Little Micheal Owen
left from Real to the Toon
If that wasn’t for the money
He’s a fucking loon
Tactics, tactics, tactics, tactics, tactics
Sven has none none none none none
Sven Sven Sven Goran Eriksson
He`s a useless loser
I hope he fucks off home to Sweden
Sven is set to cap Paul Gasgione
If Rooney gets a ban
And bring back David James
to save goals from Zidane
even that monkey head Peter Reid
would do a better job
first they’ll have to find the scouser
he’s probably on the rob
England England England we know our fate
The Irish beat us 1-0
although the goal from Healy was great
Portugal France and Brazil
put England in their place
you have to blame the gaffer
he’s a fucking disgrace
Stevie Stevie Stevie Stevie Gerrard
he may have talent
but cannot play alongside Lampard
News of the World, they really stitched up Sven
Proving he is stupid
please tell us something new!
Sven Sven Sven Goran Eriksson
He`s a useless loser
I hope he fucks off home to Sweden
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