Posted by sean on March 29, 2006 at 9:17 pm in Family Guy, Television with No Comments

I watched the latest episode of The Simpsons last night, the highly anticipated one written by and featuring Ricky Gervais. Well, Ricky did little to improve the long-since past it series, in fact I would go as far to say he made it worse.

The episode, part of the 17th season (the 7th too many in my opinion) featured a poor storyline and cheap gags which have become too familiar with the new episodes.

In this episode the writers seemed to forget the storyline completely and just made room for Rickey Gervais’ jokes. Now Gervais can be a very funny man, but I didn’t find him amusing in The Simpsons. Maybe he has lost it, maybe he had to americanise his humour or tone it down for a family audience, it certainly wasn’t up to his best. This was the first new episode I have seen in a while. It’ll be the last for some time to come.

After The Simpsons I had to remind myself that American TV can be funny so watched the new Family Guy episode which was brilliant, one of the best I have seen. Stewie’s arch nemis returned, Peter had a sensitive operation and afterwards experienced “fat sex” with Louis. Peter also had a fight the squirrel from the film Ice Age – pure genius.

Quagmire had the best line of the show though. Talking about a vasectomy he used the comparison “You take the venom out of the cobra and what have you got? … you’ve got a belt.”

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