I managed to get through football yesterday without causing any further damage to my hamstring. Unfortunately though, I was unable get close enough to Simon to break his skin in order to find out if he has a metallic skeleton like the T2000 his fitness resembles.
In the evening I went into Bath with Mr. Watkins in his new car. We went for dinner in Garfunkles, a beautiful restaurant I haven’t been to in absolutely ages. It was unbearably hot inside the restaurant as the seating area had glass walls and ceiling, it was like a greenhouse and because of the heat we sat outside.
Sitting behind a row of tall, black metal bars it felt as if we were animals in the zoo although Watkins informed me that we were in fact on safari and the people outside the restaurant were the animals.
We both had BBQ Chicken, a meal I commonly associate with trips to Garfunkles. It was as good as I had remembered. My complements go to the chef.
After the meal we drove out of the city towards The George pub for a riverside pint. Mr. Watkins somehow lost his bearings and we ended up driving around in circles for almost an hour. By the time he realised where he should be going, time was getting on and we drove off to the Showcase Cinema in Bristol.
Like Garfunkles, I haven’t been to Showcase in almost a year, ever since Watkins ploughed his car into the back of another motorist and wrote off his own vehicle.
We watched the computer animated movie Over the Hedge. Like most computer animated films that come out nowadays, Over the Hedge has an all-star cast which leaves the viewer thinking “I know that voice! But where is it from?”
Over the Hedge was no Sexy Beast but it was certainly worth going. It is one of the better computer animated films I have seen in recent years. Any film with comical animals is always guaranteed to do well.
All in all, a good evening, just like the good old days.
“I am a crazy, rabid squirrel! I want my cookies!“
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