I went to Bristol this evening to watch the Borat movie. I was able to get hold of a pair of free tickets last week, so though I would check it out.
I have always been a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen’s character and I wasn’t disappointed by the film. The plot is very loose and follows Borat as he travels across America, making a film for his homeland Kazakhstan as well as perusing his new found love, Pamela Anderson.
The film is full of laughs from start to finish and mainly consists of interviews where Borat fools gullible Americans. These sketches are stuck together using scripted material featuring Cohen, his co-star Ken Davitian and a live bear.
There are many moments which are just so cringe worthy. Defecating into a plastic bag at a dinner party, singing the Kazakhstan national anthem (to the tune of the American anthem) at a rodeo and destroying the contents of an antiques shop will leave you either laughing or with your head in your hands in shock.
Overall, one of the funniest films I have seen this year and one I highly recommend, even if you have to pay for it.
Before the cinema, my friend Watkins and I went to McDonalds for a bite to eat. I hadn’t been to such a restaurant in almost two years and now I remember why. As we entered the building, I realised what my idea of hell actually was. It was a McDonald’s restaurant in Bristol.
We had to join a massive queue full of teenage chavs. They were all poorly dressed and had food and mud stains covering their tatty clothes. Some appeared to be with parents, but the mothers looked to be teenagers themselves, so it was hard to tell. They were all either extremely thin or massively obese and the use of the English language was simply foul – “yeah, but no but…” Give me Bath chavs over Bristol any day, at least they can dress themselves and manage to string a sentence together.
After the cinema, we went to The Wishing Well at Longwell Green for our proper meal. Having already eaten I wasn’t that hungry, but ordered a curry. It wasn’t the best I had ever eaten and I left most of it. Watkins frowned upon my efforts to finish the meal, but I think he should be grateful. The last curry I had which I didn’t like the look of, ended up on the floor.
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