I spotted this at St. Albans football ground where I watched Bath City win 2-1. It’s hardly the infamous THIS IS ANFIELD sign, is it! :o)

I went to see Jimmy Carr this evening at the Bath Pavillion. Having seen him last year, I am pleased to report that the 2008 show is just as funny. Unlike last time, I can’t remember all the jokes he told, so won’t be reciting endless pages of them onto my blog. Most of this show, however, was spent heckling with the audience.
This heckling covered animals, children, panda, whales, and for some strange random reason, carpets (yes, the stuff you put on the floor!).
The Pavillion can only be described as a hall where you would expect to have a school assembly. Unlike last year, someone thought it would be a good idea to cover the ceilings and walls in bed linen. This trapped the heat and made the room like a tent. When 1,000 people are in a small room, with little space for heat to escape, it got very hot.
The drinks were very expensive – £3.00 for a can of lager. The queues for the toilets seemed endless. Therefore, at the interval, I went to the Sports Centre to use their facilities before heading to a local off licence to buy some Grolsch which was far cheaper than in the Pavillion. Call me a chav for sneaking it back in (using the inside of my coat), but 89p a can V £3.00 a can – I know who’s winning!
At the end of the show, I queued to get a DVD signed by Jimmy. Everyone he spoke during the show got the piss totally ripped out of them, mainly because they didn’t speak the Queens English, or as it is now known “Carr’s English”. I was expecting to get stick myself. I was proven wrong. Offstage, Jimmy Carr is a totally different character. He is very appreciative of the fans, was happy to sign merchandise and thanked each individual for coming. The politest person I have met in some time.

As the blog above mentions, I went into town this evening to watch Jimmy Carr live. I had planned to walk in with Simon and meet him at 7pm near to his house. Simon was fashionably late, so I was forced to wait on the street corner. Not wanting to be mistaken for a prostitute hanging around the traffic lights, I decided to explorer a local corner shop and buy some chocolate.
As I walked into the shop, my movements were tracked by the shop assistant. As I approached the confectionary counter, he continued to stare and remarked that my eyes looked red. “Here we go”, I thought to myself. He thinks I’m a crack head who is going to rob him and rape his daughter.
I pointed out that I wasn’t under the influence of narcotics. He then laughed and told me how I didn’t look like the kind of person who would take drugs and that I was probably just tired (which I was). He went on to say “You probably saw me and assumed I thought I knew about drugs; I used to live near people who took them”. The man was Asian, but I never made the connection. He obviously assumed I did. Shit, man – he made ME feel bad!
While waiting for Simon, I stayed in the safety and warmth of the shop, chatting to my new friend, and was given some valuable advice – computers are bad and they damage your eyes. Looks like I’ll be handing in my P45 on Monday.
That Mitchell and Webb Look returned for another series this evening. Some great new sketches including
- The Helivets – airborne vets. They may have a helicopter, but they can’t bring dead dogs back to life.
- The Carry On movie style hospital – Robert Webb does not understand innuendos!
- The advert for Sky Sports 4 – a favourite of mine from the radio and live show
As well welcome returns off
Very good as it was, it does make me wonder if the shows creators have been watching a bit of South Park. A sketch featuring a character with an arse for a face is exactly the same as a SP episode from a few years ago, along with joke about bizarre hidden images in the famous Last Supper painting.