Posted by sean on April 11, 2008 at 10:40 pm in Video Games with 1 Comment

After traipsing around the west side of Bath, I finally found a retailer that can reserve GTA4 for me and guarantee it’s availability on the release date. Everywhere else is sold out, but apparently not many people thought about checking out the Twerton branch of Currys – luckily I did.

Before going to Currys, I tried Blockbusters – I got nowhere; and I just seemed confused the PC World “Techguys”.

Me: “Is it possible if I reserve a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4?”
Tech Guy #1: “I don’t know what that is. I’ll go and find out”
Tech Guy #1: (to Tech Guy #2) “What is a Grand Theft Auto?”
Tech Guy #2: “Hmmm… I think it’s a racing game”

Yes, the “Auto” part of the title would allow anyone who is an expert in stating the bleeding obvious to figure that out. Unfortunately for this Techguy, GTA4 isn’t your typical racer. If it was, Formula 1 would be a lot more interesting!

This whole mission may well turn out to be pointless anyway. I am accompanying Adam and Sam from work, in a trip to Bristol on the midnight of GTA4’s release. We’re hoping to find an all-night Asda stocking the game, enabling us to be one of the first people in the world to own the title. My Currys reservation is simply if Asda don’t stock the game.

I MUST own Grand Theft Auto 4 on it’s release date.

One Response to Going for a curry

  1. Daninthemix

    April 15, 2008 - 11:30 am

    Why bother, you'll only play it for five minutes before going back to Fifa!

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