Posted by sean on May 19, 2010 at 10:38 pm in Life In Bath with 1 Comment

I had a rather strange and unnerving experience this afternoon…

On my way back to the office after visiting the local shops in my lunch break, I was stopped by an old man brandishing council uniform and sweeping rubbish from the pavements with a tatty broom.

He stared at me, looking annoyed and out of the blue asked (well, accused) “don’t you work?” The sight of me wandering around in the middle of the day could lead one to believe I was unemployed, despite the fact I was (relatively) smartly dressed.

He appeared very disapproving of my ventures onto the streets at midday, and obviously assumed I was some workshy-freeloader – however, as I do not look like somebody from The Jeremy Kyle Show, I do not see where the accusation could have come from, or what business it was of his anyway!

I did inform him that I worked in a nearby office and he need not fear as his taxes were not paying for my well being. Upon hearing the news, he ask if I smoked – obviously trying to get a free cigarette (somewhat ironic after his earlier attitude towards freeloaders). Unluckily for him, I don’t, so was unable to fulfil his nicotine fix. However, by not supplying him with a cancer stick, I probably added 3 more minutes to the chaps life. Just think how much rubbish can be swept away in that time.

One Response to A load of old rubbish

  1. Goatman

    May 20, 2010 - 1:13 am

    I know the old codger you’re talking about. He’s stopped me muttering about some nonsense in the past. They call him “Old Man Dole”.

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