So we have had the builders in. They turned up predictably early. Unlike your stereotypical craftsman, one of the two turned down a cup of tea. However, his colleague did have a coffee, with enough sugar to cause an onset of diabetes.
To be fair to them, they were both very nice and friendly. They kept themselves to themselves and only disturbed us to say that they were turning the water off, and to say “hello” to Roman, who had clocked their presence and was jumping up at the bars of his pen, like a puppy with ADHD. He’s like that with people, as believes every visitor to the house is carrying hundreds of rabbit treats in their pockets.
The pair of builders did disappear around midday, presumably to some secret event in deepest, darkest Mordor, which only working class tradesmen know about. Claire and I were left intructions on how to deal with a delivery of shower parts, being made to our house. When the courier did arrive, he was more than a little peeved that they had scarpered.
Later this afternoon, with the builders back in the bathroom, I was having a relaxing hour with Claire, despite the sounds of hammering and sawing from upstairs. Claire was playing her Nintendo, while I enjoyed an audiobook. Our peace was suddenly disturbed when we heard a loud scream from upstairs. We feared the worse – somebody must have lost a limb. Moments later, we heard laughter. I don’t know what was going on, but as I write this blog, I have just had the disturbing thought that they could have seen a huge spider – a huge spider, which is still at large on the first floor of the house.
The builders left at four, promising that they would return in the morning. I bloody hope so! They’ve left the bathroom like this…
The next 3 days are going to be a little stressful. Workmen will be in our house, taking control of our bathroom.
The reason behind this invasion, is that these men will be fitting a new walk-in shower cubicle. This will involve completely removing the bath and dumping it somewhere. The cow fields behind our house would be a good start – as a kid, I always remember finding baths in fields.
The worst part about the bathroom refurb is not the fact I will need to ask big, macho men permission to go for a wee (or worse), but the time they will arrive at the house to start work… 8.30am!
Anyway, this is what the bathroom looks like now. I’ll post another photo tomorrow evening, showing what’s been done. Hopefully the bath will be gone!
It appears Roman had a busy night yesterday. I will tell you about that in a blog, which I’ll try and write tomorrow.
Anyway, as a result of last night, Roman was left very tired today. During a particularly deep bunny nap, he pooped. Just two tiny rabbit nuggets.
Claire found this very cute indeed. I wonder if she would find it as endearing if I did the same in my sleep!
This weekend, Roman tried to go on an adventure…
He was caught trying to escape from his pen.
When stopped, we discovered that he had been a “very naughty boy”, and eaten his play tunnel.
This is Roman’s way of saying “sorry”.
How can anyone stay angry at something this cute?