Posted by sean on August 29, 2019 at 10:29 pm in Work Activities with No Comments

I found time during my busy working day to take some photos for a blog post I have been planning on writing – see, I’m always thinking about you.

Firstly, you know when people lose things and say that they have simply vanished into thin air? Well, that is exactly what happened to one of my bluetooth earphones I use at work.

The earphone was sat in front of me, out of its docking station and not in my ear (obviously). I rearranged/tidied my desk, as it was almost home time, and while I often find myself working at a pigsty, I don’t like leaving it untidy.

It’s like the old warning about always wearing clean underwear in case you get hit by a bus and need to attend hospital. I don’t want to leave my desk in a mess, in case I am unexpectedly off work the next day and the Queen drops into the office, or somebody of even greater importance, such as Leeds United manager, Marcelo Bielsa.

On the day the earphone disappeared, I wouldn’t say that I tidied excessively. I certainly didn’t throw much more than a crisp packet in the bin. It was after my tidy up, that I realised that my trusty listening device had gone.

I had a real good look for it, but could not find it anywhere. I would love to find it, as today I had to rely upon an inconvenient wired earphone. I know – first world problems!

Before the “MISSING” mugshots hit social media and milk cartons, here is a photo of the lost earphone’s brother. Believe it or not, they are twins and look identical.

My other Bill Bailey attempt was this…
As you may or may not have guessed, I meant to write David Bailey. However, as I only realised my mistake 3 days later, I’ve decided to own up and keep it online for all eternity. – Sean 01/09/19

I was kindly given this by a work colleague. While eating the chocolate, I felt as if it was smaller than I remembered. I therefore did my research…

Turns out I was kind of correct. I asked Google “how much did a Freddo Frog weigh?”

To which I received this detailed response…

When they were first launched they weighed17g, growing to 20g in 2007, before shrinking back to 18g four years later. The bar has now stayed at 25p, ever since Cadbury brought the price back down from 30p last year.

I must have eaten Freddo Frogs between 2007 and 2011, when they contained an entire TWO GRAMS more Cadbury’s chocolate!

Google’s answer did surprise me, in that the bar was originally 17g – lighter than it is today. However, when they were first launched, I was but a wee lad, so things appeared bigger back then, compared to how they do today.

Mystery solved.

I have also proven, yet again, that I can spin together a fairly lengthy blog post, from the most basic and mundane of topics. I’m not saying the post contains any quality, just lots of words, fullstops, squiggles and things.

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