Posted by sean on August 2, 2020 at 7:22 am in Shopping with No Comments

I challenge anyone to find a past time more enjoyable for a schoolboy, than spending an afternoon alone in their bedroom, with only a glossy publication and the photos printed inside for company…

I loved browsing the Argos catalogue as a kid.

With this in mind, I can’t have been the only person to shed a tear when it was announced that the Argos catalogue was now a thing of the past.

In years gone by, I would spend hours reading the catalogue, devouring the items I knew I couldn’t afford with my eyes.

I can’t remember exactly when the Christmas edition of the catalogue was released – probably June – but without fail, the pens would come out, ready to circle anything and everything needed from Father Christmas.

If it wasn’t computer games and gadgets I was feasting my eyes upon, in the summer it would be paddling pools large enough to hold an Olympic swimming event.

Then there were the sheds the size of a small house. For some reason, I hoped my mum and dad – both very green-fingered – would just give me the family garden, complete with a £500 shed, and allow their eleven-year-old to live and sleep in it.

All of this makes me sound like I must have been an incredibly spoilt child. I wasn’t. Not once was I bought a shed, swimming pool or Hornby Intercity 125.

So many memories…

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