Posted by sean on May 5, 2020 at 10:04 pm in Coronavirus with No Comments

My blog this evening is going to sound political. It would be impossible not to discuss such a topic without mentioning the ‘P-word’.

What I must stress is that I will not be using this post to bash Boris Johnson and the rest of the Conservative Party with a big stick.

Anyone who knows me or regularly reads my blog, will know that I am anti-Tory. However, I do believe that any individual or group trying to point score politically, while we remain in the middle of a deadly pandemic, is very wrong indeed.

The purpose of this blog post is to allow me to express my sadness and anger at what is happening. As well as to question why we are in this mess, who is responsible and how we can get out of it.


As of this evening, the UK has overtaken Italy as the country with the highest death toll from COVID-19 in Europe.

First and foremost, this is a tragedy of epic proportions. 29,427 people have died from the virus in the UK. How terrible for the victims, their families and their friends.

Questions have to be asked as to why this has been allowed to happen.

  • Italy were struck down by the virus before the UK. Italy were unprepared for the pandemic, as COVID-19 was a new and unknown virus at the time. Based upon what initially happened in Italy, the UK had ample time to prepare.
  • As a country, the UK is one of the strongest financially in Europe.
  • Why are we therefore comparing ourselves to Italy? Why not another affluent country, like Germany?
  • Could it be that by running a comparison between UK and German death rates, things would look even worse for us?
  • Italy and most other European countries took the virus and lockdown seriously. The UK didn’t. Many of the deaths were therefore preventable.

Just to emphasise how insanely serious the situation is – the UK has the second highest death toll in the world. There are 20 other countries with a higher population – 19 of these have fewer deaths from coronavirus.

The problems need to be addressed and they need to be addressed now. While we continue to lose hundreds of people a day to the disease, more needs to be done.

When this pandemic is finally over, there needs to be some major investigations into why, as a nation, we have been let down so badly.

There will be finger-pointing, but for now, let us unite and work together to fight this killer virus.

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